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Showing posts from August, 2020

Welcome to my Journey

In this blog, I will document my journey from a Receptionist to a Flutter Developer. I want to write about my successes and failures in this process. I want to share everything I am learning and any roadblocks I face. I know that by sharing my journey I will help so many other people.  Why become a Developer? I have always had a strong desire to create. For most of my life, I have created with my hands. I have crocheted, painted, drawn, and sewed.  A few years ago I wanted to create my own website. I like to do things myself so I didn't want to rely on a drag and drop editor. I wanted to learn about how to create websites from scratch.  So I began learning HTML5 and CSS. I really enjoyed it. But it was a lot of information that I was learning and I wasn't practicing consistently so I lost a lot of the knowledge that I gained.  I never created my website. Instead, I wanted to focus on getting a career and I thought that I wanted to be an Administrative Assistant. The image that