So I have been told that my text field on the shopping list page of my app can be difficult to see. I made it a little transparent so that it went well with the background of the lists. But today I am going to change how people enter items into the list. I will take away the text field and just have a floating action button visible. Once the button is pressed an alert dialog will appear and that will have a text field, add button, cancel button, and an add more button. So I replaced the text field with a Floating Action Button. I made it blue with a white plus sign in it. When it is taped it flashes a light blue color. Without the Stack or Align Widget, the button appeared at the bottom center. With the align widget I made it appear at the bottom right with some padding on the bottom and right side. Align ( alignment: Alignment. bottomRight , child: Padding ( padding: const EdgeInsets . only (bottom: 18.0 , right: 10 ), child: FloatingActionButton ( ...
A behind the scenes look at how I create apps and become a Flutter Developer.