Since it takes a little bit of time for the list to load as it is fetching the network image I will use a modal progress hud so that the user knows that work is happening in the background and they should hang tight. The body part of the Scaffold needs to be wrapped in the widget ModelProgressHUD( ). body: ModalProgressHUD ( inAsyncCall: loading, child: Column ( Model Progress Hud has a parameter called inAsyncCall. For that, you would give it the variable that you will toggle between true and false to display the progress hud or dismiss it. My variable is called loading. In the beginning, when I declare the variable I set it to false. I believe that circularProgressHud is the default progress hud of ModalProgressHUD( ). So to get the circle to appear when I tap to open a list I will add a setState function to the onPressed and make the loading variable equal to true. Then to dismiss the circle I will use setState again but after the Navigator.push and make t...
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